Komentáře: Are we what we eat? Or: The sad state of Czech window displays https://blog.respekt.cz/borufka/are-we-what-we-eat-or-the-sad-state-of-czech-window-displays/ Otevřený blogovací systém týdeníku Respekt Wed, 23 Aug 2023 07:17:26 +0000 hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.9.4 Od: Anonym https://blog.respekt.cz/borufka/are-we-what-we-eat-or-the-sad-state-of-czech-window-displays/#comment-180009513 Mon, 25 Jan 2021 08:52:40 +0000 http://blog.respekt.cz/?p=52527480#comment-180009513 Od: artisjokken https://blog.respekt.cz/borufka/are-we-what-we-eat-or-the-sad-state-of-czech-window-displays/#comment-126361940 Wed, 21 Dec 2011 22:00:41 +0000 http://blog.respekt.cz/?p=52527480#comment-126361940 Exactly: you hit the nail on the head. It is so recognizable what you show us on the pictures. I live about two decades in abroad but some picture could be taken 20 years ago!! Luckily not every supermarket look as on the pictures, but the truth is there is still a lot of work has to be done !!

Od: Vlaďka Jelínková https://blog.respekt.cz/borufka/are-we-what-we-eat-or-the-sad-state-of-czech-window-displays/#comment-121062890 Tue, 20 Sep 2011 16:21:04 +0000 http://blog.respekt.cz/?p=52527480#comment-121062890 Vtipný!
Už se těším na další postřehy z Čech! Přidávám jedno vtipné anglické video o českém gurmánství (i „gurmánství“): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TaKdA2AKCSY

Od: EVNSTVN https://blog.respekt.cz/borufka/are-we-what-we-eat-or-the-sad-state-of-czech-window-displays/#comment-119673520 Thu, 11 Aug 2011 03:22:21 +0000 http://blog.respekt.cz/?p=52527480#comment-119673520 this is funny!
this czech boutiqe windows…

kinda timetravelling, ha, ha, ha!
but – wasn´t it a vietnamese „vecerka“, those are the very bad ones!

Od: Mareš https://blog.respekt.cz/borufka/are-we-what-we-eat-or-the-sad-state-of-czech-window-displays/#comment-119667620 Wed, 10 Aug 2011 22:40:41 +0000 http://blog.respekt.cz/?p=52527480#comment-119667620 Re: Are we what we eat? Or: The sad state of Czech window displays
If baked properly, it’s not all that different from yolk batter, except it’s spicey. 🙂
Not just chicken, a fish baked in mayonnaise is excellent too. The mayo „cover“ keeps the meat moist.

Od: Sarah Borufka https://blog.respekt.cz/borufka/are-we-what-we-eat-or-the-sad-state-of-czech-window-displays/#comment-119646430 Wed, 10 Aug 2011 13:28:49 +0000 http://blog.respekt.cz/?p=52527480#comment-119646430 Re: Are we what we eat? Or: The sad state of Czech window displays.
Thank you, it’s interesting to hear a Slovak take on this. I agree that it is hard to find tasty food and often a question of money. I have started shopping at the farmers‘ markets, and buy all my eggs there. They are a bit more expensive, but I feel that I get more value, and I’d rather eat one small good egg than two crappy ones. Maybe that would be an option for you? Some of the produce at the markets is also very affordable. But when you go inside specialty stores, it’s easy to feel like you are poor, I have experienced that, too. I think the key is to mix and match, i.e. buy cheap pasta, canned tomatoes, rice etc. at big supermarkets and combine that with some nicer ingredients. At least that’s what I am trying to do. Thank you for reading my blog!

Od: Sarah Borufka https://blog.respekt.cz/borufka/are-we-what-we-eat-or-the-sad-state-of-czech-window-displays/#comment-119646360 Wed, 10 Aug 2011 13:25:27 +0000 http://blog.respekt.cz/?p=52527480#comment-119646360 Re: Surprisingly enough…
Really? I like the thought of homemade mayo, but preparing it hot? But I’m with you on tatarka. Also, I don’t even like it with my fried cheese, it’s just gross in general to me! Thanks for reading!

Od: Sarah Borufka https://blog.respekt.cz/borufka/are-we-what-we-eat-or-the-sad-state-of-czech-window-displays/#comment-119646590 Wed, 10 Aug 2011 13:23:32 +0000 http://blog.respekt.cz/?p=52527480#comment-119646590 Re: Are we what we eat? Or: The sad state of Czech window displays.

Od: Naďa Straková, webditorka Respekt.cz https://blog.respekt.cz/borufka/are-we-what-we-eat-or-the-sad-state-of-czech-window-displays/#comment-119645480 Wed, 10 Aug 2011 12:59:55 +0000 http://blog.respekt.cz/?p=52527480#comment-119645480 Protože
Protože jsme Sarah sami požádali, zda by pro nás nechtěla blogovat. Chtěli bychom rozšířit řady našich blogerů i o anglicky píšící lidi, zejména expaty, kteří zde žijí, jelikož se domníváme, že jejich postřehy o naší společnosti mohou být pro leckteré vnímavé čtenáře zajímavé. Pokud byste sám měl nějaký tip, sem s ním.

Od: Dalí https://blog.respekt.cz/borufka/are-we-what-we-eat-or-the-sad-state-of-czech-window-displays/#comment-119645290 Wed, 10 Aug 2011 12:57:53 +0000 http://blog.respekt.cz/?p=52527480#comment-119645290 Fantasmagorie s hrubkami
Rico, sice vládnete i němčinou, ale ta čeština vás neposlouchá. Máte tam hrubek jak máku na poli letním. Nechtěl byste raději psát povídky a pak je publikovat knižně, než tu zamořovat diskuzní fóra svými fantasmagoriemi?
